Buying a Used Shapeoko

We've been shipping Shapeoko CNC Routers for a long time now, and a lot of them have ended up being sold used as folks have upgraded to newer models, or model on to different interests. Here are a few things to know about buying a used Shapeoko.


The warranty for a Shapeoko is fully transferrable to you, assuming you have the full payment information from the original owner. Be sure to get that before walking away from the seller.

What machine am I buying?

We've had a number of people end up with a different machine than they thought they were getting. Whether that's due to a mistake on the part of the seller or malice, we don't know, but it's not an uncommon problem.

Before you buy, go to the Getting Started page to see which machine looks like the one you're buying. Make sure it's the machine you think you're getting.

How do I get started with a used machine?

It's likely that you got the machine without any documentation, so the best place to start is the Getting Started page we mentioned above. Go to the page for:

That last one is really important. It's critical that you watch those videos so you can get fully up to speed on running your new Shapeoko.

Training Sessions

The 1-on-1 training sessions included with a machine are not transferrable to the new owner, but we do have training sessions available for purchase.

Join the Carbide 3D Community

The Carbide 3D Community is full of thousands of users with every machine and at every skill level. Go check it out and introduce yourself.